The Aboriginal Education Teacher, Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer and Student Counsellor work as a team to support First Nations students with their academic learning, social and emotional wellbeing and attendance. We aim to promote positive relationships with First Nations students and their families to ensure that students feel safe and engaged whilst at school. Strong connections between the wider community and school are important to foster in order to enhance the success of our Aboriginal Learners. Our support includes:
- Linking students to services
- Case Management
- Supporting transition from primary school and into high school
- Supporting students into pathways into training, employment and higher education.
- Completing SACE
- Increasing engagement with First Nations cultures and programs
- Organised school wide ceremonies and events for Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week, and other days of significance
- South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy (SAASTA). The Aboriginal Power Cup and The SAASTA Shield carnival.
- Tutoring support for the year 11 and 12 students (APAS).
- Leadership Program (IYLP) and the Future Leaders Program.
- The Workabout Centre programs
- The SACE Aboriginal Students Pathways Conference
- The University of Adelaide, Marni Wingku
- Career Walk
- “Making Tracks” Career expo
- Cultural excursions
- STEM Aboriginal Student Congress
Key Staff:
- Aboriginal Education Teacher (AET)
- Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer (ASETO) – Marisa Hammer
- Social Worker
- Student Co
For more information please contact Marisa Hammer,