Governance and Leadership

Student Voice

Student Voice is a focus within the school. Students have real opportunities to be involved in the decisions relating to the future growth and development of the school, its policies and pedagogies. Each year, students are able to be elected by their peers to the Student Voice Council.

Every year level has its own Student Voice Council comprised of elected representatives from each home group who strive to gather and reflect the thoughts and opinions of their student cohort.

Governing Council

The Modbury Secondary School Governing Council meets in weeks 4 and 8 of each term on Wednesday night at 6:30pm.

The Modbury Secondary School Governing Council comprises 17 councillors, including:

  • 1 Principal
  • 10 elected parents
  • 2 community representatives
  • 2 student representatives
  • 3 staff representatives

The following members are on Governing Council: 
Principal: Joanne Costa
Governing Council Chair: Martin Crabb
Governing Council Deputy Chair: Susannah Dodd
Secretary: Chanel Wong
Finance Committee Chair: Matt Green

General Governing Council Members

  • Johathan Carroll
  • Ben Connolly
  • Shellie Fisher
  • Pauline Huettenrauch
  • Kirsty Jolly   

Student Representatives:

  • Kahlan Mashford
  • Kaiwen He

Community Members:

  • Brad Chilcott
  • Cr Irena Zagladov

Role of council:

  • To involve the school community in the governance of the school by:
    • providing a focus and a forum for the involvement of parents and the school community.
  • To set the broad direction and vision of the school.
  • Support the Principal in the Strategic planning for the school including:
    • developing, monitoring and reviewing the strategic objectives and targets of the school strategic plan
    • considering, approving, and monitoring human resources and asset management plans.
  • Determine policies for the school including policies for the safety, welfare and discipline of students.
  • Determine the application of the total financial resources available to the school including the regular review of the budget.
  • Report to the school community and the Minister on:
    • the strategic plan
    • the finances of the school
    • operational plans and the council’s operations.

If you have any queries or requests for information please contact the school or the Chairperson, Mr Martin Crabb, by phoning the school on 82641955 or email

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
Wed 21 FebWed 22 MayWed 14 AugWed 6 Nov
Wed 27 MarWed 26 JunWed 18 SepWed 4 Dec

We believe in a culture of achievement in a respectful and rigorous learning environment
