During the School Term 8:00am - 4:00pm
During the School Holidays times vary
62 Pompoota Road, Modbury SA 5092
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Parent guide to raising a concern or complaint
Education and quality care are vital for your child’s success.
To support parents, caregivers and the community to address points of concern at site, we need to connect them to the best situated person to resolve their issue. To do this, we have staff who we will refer complaints or issues to, based on the nature of the concern and whether there have been previous attempts to resolve the issue.
Issues within a classroom or home group setting should first be addressed with the teacher of that class, then if a resolution cannot be found, contact the Learning Area Coordinator (LAC) for the subject or Year Level Leader (YLL) for home group issues. The LAC or YLL will then escalate issues to an appropriate Senior Leader where appropriate.
Use the following information to help you think about what you are concerned about and how to resolve the matter respectfully and effectively. Please see the process for DFE feedback and complaints here.
Please email the school for any enquiries.
Joanne Costa
Deputy Principal - Year 9 & 10
Shelly Brown
Deputy Principal - EALD
Kalliope Paraskevas
Assistant Principal - Years 11 & 12
Louise Woolford
Assistant Principal - Years 7 & 8
Casey Rendell
Business Manager
Michelle Stasiak
Year 7 & 8 Leader
Vanessa Tricker
Year 9 & 10 Leader
Lauren Freeth
Year 11 & 12 Leader
Madelin O’Brien-Dent
Jess Moeller
Simone Nash
Health & PE
Tom Bartlett
Caitlin Thomas
Amanda Kampes
Geoffrey Woolford
Luke Agalidis
Technology/Home Economics
Sarah Sharpe
VET/Cross Disciplinary
Angela Stamati
Social Worker
Leah Schultz
Geri Botten
Mental Health Practitioner
Natalie Howard
Youth Worker
Paul Harris
Tailored Learning
Lauren Freeth
Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer (ASETO)
Marisa Hammer
We believe in a culture of achievement in a respectful and rigorous learning environment