Important dates

Monday 14 October | Term 4 Recommences
Friday 25 October | Last day of Year 12 lessons
Tuesday 29 October | Valedictory Assembly
Thursday 31 October | Student Free Day
Monday 4th November | Start of Year 12 Exams
Wednesday 20th November | Start of Year 11 Exams
Monday 25 November | Start of Year 7-11 Exams
Friday 29 November | Year 7-11 Prize Givinig Assembly
Friday 13th December | Term 4 concludes. Students dismissed at 2:30pm

For more Term 4 Calendar dates: download the pdf version here

Principals Report

Dear Parents/ Caregivers

This term has been filled with many of extra-curricular activities that have provided students with diverse opportunities for personal growth, community engagement, and hands-on learning. From cultural celebrations to sporting events, our school has offered numerous platforms for students to extend their learning beyond the classroom and nurture their talents.

Valedictory Assembly
Our Valedictory assembly will be held on Tuesday 29th of October. It is a highly anticipated event that holds great significance for both students and staff as we come together to celebrate the achievements of our Year 12 graduating students. Invitations have been sent out earlier in the term, we hope to say many parents join us.

Cultural Event
On Tuesday, 10th September, Modbury High School, in collaboration with Modbury South Primary School and Modbury Special School, hosted a cultural event titled Pudnanthi Taikkurrinthi Mukamukarrinthi, which translates to "Come, Unite, and Celebrate." The event offered a meaningful opportunity for students and parents from all three schools to come together and celebrate First Nations culture. It served as a platform to foster a sense of community, strengthen cultural understanding, and honor the rich traditions and heritage of Australia’s First Nations peoples.

Pedal Prix
On Saturday, 21st and Sunday, 22nd of Septmeber, Pedal Prix students took part in the challenging 24-hour race held at Murray Bridge. The event was a true reflection of teamwork and collaboration, with students, parents, and Fast Cats Racing working together to support the riders through every lap. It was inspiring to witness how each group played a vital role, whether it was maintaining the vehicles, providing encouragement, or ensuring the wellbeing of the team. I had the pleasure of attending on Saturday and was thrilled to see the strong sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that united everyone involved.

Term 3 Reports
Term 3 reports have been uploaded to Daymap. As with every term, I encourage all parents to take a few moments from their busy schedules to discuss their child’s achievements and areas for improvement. Engaging in these conversations not only reinforces the importance of academic progress but also provides an opportunity for students to set goals and identify strategies to enhance their learning outcomes. Your support and guidance are invaluable in helping them reflect and strive for continued growth and success.

Holiday Sessions
During the upcoming holidays, several teachers will be conducting holiday classes to assist students in either preparing for their final exams or completing their final summative tasks. Ms. Woolford has shared the schedule for these classes through a recent communication sent to parents. While attendance is not mandatory, I strongly encourage parents to support and motivate their children to participate in these sessions. Attending these classes will not only help consolidate their learning but also provide an opportunity to seek additional guidance and clarification from their teachers, ensuring they are well-prepared for the final assessments.

Ms Joanne Costa

R U OK Day

On the 12th of September, Modbury High School acknowledged R U OK Day by Year 9 and 10 SVC members working with Miss Shire to prepare a Bakesale and casual day. Students across the school spoke in home groups about how to be a good friend and reach out to support others.  

The task given to the Year 9 and 10 home groups was to design shoes and t-shirts as a way of reflecting on the important themes that surround R U OK Day. The students were asked to create shoe designs represented things that impact youth mental health to help increase empathy and considering what it is like to walk in other people’s shoes how may be struggling. The purpose of the t-shirt design was to help students consider the different ways of connecting with others and asking if they are ok. Focusing on this way of reaching out to others increased students awareness of how to create those positive interactions that may help to go a long way in improving someone’s mental health. Ms Freeth has been wearing the designs to help increase awareness and visibility of mental health even further. In the picture 1010s t-shirt design is being worn by Ms Freeth and shoe designs from 911 and 1015.  

The staff voted for the winning designs. 911 and 1010 won the shirt design as a great representation of the importance of supporting positive mental health and reaching out to others. The shoe design that best represented the pressures teens face that stop wellbeing being even better was 9A5 and 1010. See photos below of the winning designs.

Ms Lauren Freeth
Year 9 & 10 and Flexible Learning Leader

Cultural Event

On Tuesday 10th of September, we celebrated our inaugural Pudnanthi Taikurrinthi Mukamukarrinthi Cultural Event. The event hosted by Modbury High School, Modbury South Primary School and Modbury Special School was a huge success. It was great to see it so well attended by our students, parents, school community and our local support providers. Everyone enjoyed Uncle Moogy’s moving Welcome to Country and dancing with the Tal-Kin-Jeri dance group. Animals Anonymous were informative and captured the audience’s attention with the vast array of native animals, including a crocodile. We can’t wait to see what happens in this space next year!

Business Cluster

In week 9 a group of Modbury High School students completed a Business Cluster course in Commerce which gained the students 20 Stage 2 SACE credits and an excellent experience. The course centered around the students creating a business that would sell many coffee related items. Students not only made coffee for staff but also used the coffee grinds to create lovely face scrubs, candles, soaps and diffusers. Through the course students learned about the importance of developing an effective business name and logo and various marketing strategies. The students business name was “Brewed Awakenings” which is incredibly clever and a sign of how well they understood the importance of business design. At the end of the week the students reported how much they enjoyed the course which made the work easier to engage with. The students worked brilliantly together and put in a lot of effort over the week. We are extremely proud of their efforts and they should be proud of themselves too. 

Shari Chipman (SSO) commented, “Such a great week, very proud of the students we support”.

Ms Lauren Freeth
Year 9 & 10 and Flexible Learning Leader

Calculator Order form

Click here if you would like to download the information in PDF version.

Proposed M&S and Subject Charges for 2025

Dear Parent/Caregivers, 

Below are watermarked notices of the proposed Materials & Services plus subject charges for 2025.  These were also emailed to all families last week.   

The notices also include an invitation to attend the Governing Council meeting scheduled for 6th November 2024, at 6:00pm in the Modbury High School Staff Room. 

The proposed M&S Fees for 2025 is set at $720 for Years 7-12, excluding Subject charges 

For 2025, Subject charges be set at;- 

$35 -Japanese Workbook Yr 7*$50-Chef’s Basic/Food Technology*#$35-Yr 11 Metalwork*#
$35-Spanish Workbook Yr 8*$50-Yr 10 Chef’s Applications*#$40-Yr 11 WoodworkA*#
$75 – Basketball Academy*
Yr 7, 9 & 10
$35-Yr 9 Design Technology*#$40-Yr 11 WoodworkB *#
$95 – Basketball Academy
Year 8 *
$30-Yr 10 Metalwork*#$50-Yr 12 Metalwork*
$40 -Yr 11& 12 English
Literacy Studies Workbook*
$50-Yr 10 Woodwork*#$80-Yr 12 Woodwork*
$100-Yr7-12 Musical
Instrument Hire*#

*Only applicable for students that select this subject
# Cost per semester

The SA Government will also be providing a $200 M&S Rebate in 2025, these will be applied at the same time as invoicing occurs. Any families that still have remaining 2022, 2023 & 2024 M&S Rebate will also have this applied to their 2025 M&S charges. 

Click here to download a pdf of school fees for Year 7- 12
Click here to download a pdf of Subject Levies for Year 7 - 12

Yearbook 2024

What better way to reminisce about the good old days of high school than with a yearbook filled with articles and photos capturing memories for the year that was? Buy the yearbook for your future self! Don’t miss your chance to grab your 2024 yearbook! Pay on QKR! now!

Modern history - visitor

In Week 6 of Term 3, the Stage 2 Modern History class had the privilege of a visit from Mr Fred Pritchard, a Vietnam War veteran, who shared his experiences of the war. Students were encouraged to ask Fred insightful questions about his time in the army, helping them develop empathy skills and gain a deeper understanding of those who served. Students also heard Fred speak about his involvement in the Montague Farm Estate, where he worked with the families of Vietnam veterans to honour their service by naming streets after soldiers who were killed in action between 1962 and 1973. Modbury High are very grateful to Fred for his ongoing support of our Modern History students by sharing his story.

Pedal Prix

Over the weekend of the 21st & 22nd of September the Modbury High Pedal Prix teams, along with Fast Cats Racing, raced in the 24-hour event at Sturt Reserve in Murray Bridge. With fantastic efforts from all participants.  

The preparations for the race had been ongoing for some time, with the team managers and support crew working hard to ensure the trikes were well prepared and facilities were organised. This made scrutineering a breeze. 

Throughout Friday we made our way to Murray Bridge, set up our pit area and camping sites. Practice that afternoon was the first ride on the Murray Bridge racetrack for a couple of our riders. We enjoyed Kym’s famous bolognaise and watched the footy on the projector, lamenting the loss by the Power.  Then off to bed to ensure we were well rested for the big race.  

With an early start on Saturday, we completed the last adjustments of the trikes, watched the top 15 shootout, over 80 of our group posed for our photos and walked the track. We gridded up with all 151 trikes for the 12pm start of the race, and we were off. The event was full of spectacle and close racing, with teams constantly competing for their place. 

Our students remained competitive with quick rider changes and consistent riding efforts, cheering each other on and supporting each other throughout the race. Night came, so did the cold, but we were well prepared and with staggered sleeping, so some slept while others rode.  

There were some flat tyres, and racing incidents but the trikes kept on performing. Sunday dawned cold, but clear with our trikes still racing. At the end of the race, 12pm Sunday, we had Lynx in fifth, the girls in Pink Panther fifth and Cheetah in 38th completing in the race beautifully. 

We are grateful for the brilliant support from parents and volunteers, who worked together to make the event such a success. Thank you to Fast Cats Racing for their assistance and support all year. We also thank Adelaide Coachlines, Police Credit Union, Kennards Hire and Coles for their support this year. Look out for a full report in the 2024 school magazine.  

-Wayne Ferguson & Jess Hanlin

For more information, click here to download the PDF

Important dates

Friday 6 September | School Closure
Monday 16 September | Year 9 Debating Competition
SA Olympics Unleashed Yr7s
Yr 11 Drug Education Seminar
Saturday 21 September | Pedal Prix 24 Hour Murray Bridge Race
Friday 27 September | Students finish at 2:30pm - Term 3 concludes

Monday 14 October | Term 4 Recommences
Tuesday 29 October | Valedictory Assembly
Thursday 31 October | Student Free Day

For more Term 3 Calendar dates: download the pdf version here
Term 4 dates will be confirm and sent before the end of term 3

Prinicipals Report

Dear Parents/Caregivers, 

As Term 3 draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a highly productive period filled with several noteworthy events. 

Final Weeks for Year 12 Students 
Our Year 12 students have just five teaching weeks remaining: the final three weeks of this term and the first two weeks of Term 4. The next three weeks are critical, as students will be working diligently to complete all their school-assessed tasks. Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 4 will primarily be dedicated to revision. It is imperative that students use their time effectively from now until the end of Week 2, ensuring they meet the deadlines set by their teachers in order to achieve success. 

Equally as important is the need for students to take care of their wellbeing by maintaining a balanced diet and avoiding late nights in an effort to complete their work. This is an area where parents can play a vital role by encouraging their children to take breaks for meals and to get sufficient rest each night. 

Pedal Prix 
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending the Pedal Prix Races held at the Hanson Road Velodrome. It was heartening to see so many of our students participating, supported by their cheering parents. As always, our students received tremendous support from Fast Cats Racing and our dedicated staff members, Wayne Ferguson, Jess Hanlin, Ron and Lyn Gibbins. An event of this scale requires countless hours of planning, organisation, and training. A very big thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a success. 

ABODA Music Competition 
Recently, our music students competed in the ABODA Music competition and proudly earned a silver medal. This is a significant achievement, especially considering the strong competition from students at private schools and special interest music schools. Congratulations to all the students and their teachers, Mr. Budd and Ms. Warrick, for this remarkable accomplishment. 

Student-Led Conferences and Subject Selections 
On Tuesday the 20th of August, we held our annual student-led conferences and subject selection day. The day was filled with energy and enthusiasm. Parents had the opportunity to listen to their children reflect on their learning and discuss strategies for improvement. As I visited different home groups, I was immensely proud of our students and how thoughtfully they reflected on their learning. It was equally gratifying to hear our Year 10 and 11 students discuss their subject choices for 2025 and their potential future careers. 

Thank you to the 622 parents who took time out of their busy schedules to come in and support their children with subject selection and learning reflection. 

School Uniform 
I am asking for your support in ensuring that your child wears the correct school uniform each day. The school uniform is more than just attire; it symbolises our shared values of ‘we are united, passionate and accountable’. By consistently wearing the uniform, students learn the importance of adhering to rules and take pride in representing their school community. Your involvement in reinforcing this expectation at home will help create a positive and focused learning environment, where all students feel a sense of belonging and equality. Together, we can set a strong foundation for your child's success both in school and beyond. 

School attendance 
For some students, getting up every day and coming to school is challenging for many different reasons. They need our collective support to overcome these challenges and gradually learn to enjoy school. Attendance is critical, as it directly impacts students' academic performance. Additionally, regular attendance helps students develop important social skills, such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution, which are vital for their personal growth and future success. 

If your child is struggling to attend school, please get in touch with us. We will work with you and your child to develop an attendance plan that will hopefully support their return to school. 

Reminder there is a school closure tomorrow. Enjoy the long weekend and we will see you next week.

Ms Joanne Costa

Year 8 Languages Dessert Day 

Friday 16th was year 8 Languages dessert day. Students had the opportunity to pre-order Spanish or Japanese themed desserts and eat them for recess.  Some students enjoyed alfajores (al-fa-hor-es) shortbread biscuits with a caramel centre or black sesame cookies. Another common dessert in Central America is tres leches (trays le-ch-s) which is a vanilla cake soaked in whole milk, evaporated milk and condensed milk with fresh cream. Tres leches means three milks in English. Next year we will change the desserts for the upcoming year 8 students and have more traditional Japanese desserts such as mochi.  

“The Basque cheesecake was, so yummy, 10 out of 10,” Mackenzie. 

Make sure you order your dessert next year if you are currently in year 7.  

Ms Muggleton
Year 7, 8, 9, 10 Spanish Teacher

The MASA Quiz night

The MASA Quiz night was held on Wednesday 14th August, Modbury High School entered five teams of four students to compete at King's Baptist Grammar School, Wynn Vale. Here our students engaged in puzzles, maths challenges, and general knowledge questions, to compete against students from Pedare Christian College, The Heights, and King’s.  

In the Junior division (Year 7/8) was Aarav Patel, Abbie Carroll, Sarah Kennedy, Payton Richardson and Angaddeep Singh. Then we had two Intermediate division (Year 9/10) teams, Paige Sharpe, Ella Taylor, Tyler Gaskin and Gargee Vyas along with Emily Totani, Isha Bane, Avnoor Kaur, and Tanish Yadav.  

In the Senior division (Year 11/12) we also had two teams Anton Kastanos, Finley Bradtke, and Siddhartha Attaluri along with Oscar Elder, Lawrence French, Kaiwen He and Cooper Garland-McNamara who took out the title of Best Overall Senior Team

It was great to see Modbury students having fun and collaborating, in an attempt to get the highest score for each of the four sections throughout the night.  

Ms Sandra Gill
Mathematics Teacher

Music News

The ABODA Band festival was held during Week 4 of this term and our MHS band students hit the stage to compete against school bands from around Adelaide. 

Concert Band students aimed high this year by entering the ‘Advanced’ Concert Band section; the first MHS Concert Band to do so in almost 15 years! Students were one division higher than last year and were extremely happy to receive a well-deserved ‘Silver’ award for their performance. 

Big Band musicians returned the following day for their chance to take to the stage in competition. Special mentions go to our Year 12 soloists, Jack C.-A. and Crystal Hurcombe, for their amazing contributions to the performance. The band received a ‘bronze’ award and valuable feedback to reflect and continue to improve on as an ensemble. 

MHS is extremely proud of all of our young musicians and everything they continue to achieve. 

If you would like to hear the bands performing pieces from the competition, please save the evening of the 29th of October (T4, Wk3) in your diaries. We will be presenting our end-of-year concert in the school gym on the night. 

Concert Band
Big Band

Mr Budd
Music Teacher

Congratulations to Our Year 7-9 and 10-12 Boys Netball Teams! 

A huge congratulations to our 7-9 Netball team who managed to play off for first place in the state going to down to Blackwood by just 4 goals. It was a massive effort, as the team was struck down by illness and injury prior to and on the day, sometimes playing with only 6 players. Great job placing 2nd in the state in all secondary schools. 

Well done to our Year 10-12 Boys Netball Team for their incredible achievement in reaching the State Finals! The team demonstrated exceptional skill and sportsmanship, securing an impressive 4th place statewide. 

We’re also thrilled to announce that four of our players, Noah Zaltron, Joshua Taylor, Seb Borgas and Noah Cook have caught the attention of the Men's South Australian Netball scouts. Both have been invited to attend the statewide trials. Well done boys!  

Wear it purple day

Students and staff celebrated Wear It Purple Day with a splash of purple, purple cookies and some activities on the Purruna Kuu deck at lunch time. It was an opportunity to celebrate and support LGBTQIA+ young people in our school community and acknowledge that everyone belongs in our Modbury High School community.

More information about Wear It Purple can be found at

Important Dates

Friday 30 August | Wear it Purple Day
Friday 6 September
| School Closure
Friday 27 September | Term 3 concludes

For more Term 3 Calendar dates: download the pdf version here

Principals Report

Dear Parents /Caregivers 

The commencement of Term 3 has been positive, with students and educators swiftly resuming their established learning routines. 

Student Free Day 
The third Student Free Day occurred on the first day of the term and was divided into two distinct sessions. The initial session was facilitated by our Behavior Coach, Ben Kha, along with two of his colleagues, who led a workshop on behaviour management and strategies for engaging with students who present challenging behaviours. In the subsequent session, teachers conducted audits within their respective learning areas, with a focus on task design. This audit aimed to ensure that the tasks offered provide ample opportunities for all students to excel and showcase their learning. 

Balaklava Eisteddfod 
On Friday, the 2nd of August, our music students travelled to Balaklava to compete at the Balaklava Eisteddfod. Not only did they enjoy themselves, but they also returned with outstanding results. The Concert Band secured first place, and the Stage Band, Choir, and Brass Ensemble received honourable mentions. Congratulations to all the students and Mr. Budd for their exceptional work. 

Japanese Study Tour 
On Sunday, the 3rd of August, a group of enthusiastic Japanese students from Osaka arrived at our school. The students were warmly welcomed by Ms. Amanda Kampes, the International Students Coordinator, along with their host families. The students spent a week at our school, participating in lessons alongside their designated buddies. On Wednesday, they had the opportunity to visit Adelaide University and the Adelaide Zoo. Although their stay was brief, the students thoroughly enjoyed their experience at our school. We extend our sincere gratitude to the host families for their hospitality and care. 

Subject Selection and Student-Led Conferences 
This is a friendly reminder that our subject selection and student-led conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, the 20th of August. All students are expected to meet with their homegroup teachers and parents to select their subjects for 2025 and discuss their academic progress and achievements thus far. If you have not yet scheduled a booking, we urge you to do so promptly. This presents a valuable opportunity for parents to engage in their children's educational journey. 

Snow Trip 
A contingent of 16 students is presently enjoying the snowfields of Mount Hoffman. Reports from Mr. Karl Read, who is accompanying the group, describe the experience as amazing and one that will be remembered for a long time. 

Modbury High School’s Careers Day 
Ms. Angela Stamati, supported by Dr. Swati Phatak and Mr. David Atterton, has invested considerable effort in planning and organizing the annual Careers Day event, which took place today, Friday the 16th of August. Students had the opportunity to engage with presenters from universities, various industries, and career pathway providers for students with disabilities. It was a highly successful day, with significant student participation. 

Ms Costa


WEAR IT PURPLE DAY is just around the corner so dig out your purple accessories and dress to impress on Friday 30th August! 


An opportunity to show support for and celebrate LGBTQIA+ young people and diversity in our community.  

Students are invited to wear a splash of purple with their uniform – not a casual day. Socks and other purple accessories are welcome. No need to bring a donation, just show your support with a splash if purple.  

More info at - 

Modbury Music students mentoring North Eastern Primary Schools students at a recent Workshop

On Wednesday 19 June, students from Golden Grove, Highbury and Ardtornish Primary Schools joined Modbury High School participants and mentors in the Modbury Auditorium for the first IM Beginner Band Workshop of 2024.
This workshop was a great success and featured the pieces "Cango Caves” and "Tyrannosaurus Rocks”. Feedback included:
“It was definitely an eye-opener for my students and hopefully will encourage them to challenge themselves a bit harder from now on.”
“... great turn out from parents for the concert - the kids performed well”

Thanks to the following students that mentored on the day:

Rebekah Woolford, Liam, Crystal Hurcombe, Ariah Merrett, Shiraz Berhan, Emily Zhang, Jacob Richter, Scarlett Sachse, Rei Cook, Jack Rose, Luke Haskard, Louie San Gabriel, Ryan Williams, Elsie Zhang, Alex Brandon, Eli Carter, Hamish Hanlin, Liam Horn, Evan Lewis, Hudson Mentha, Joshua Merrett, Connor Montana, Kayla Murphy, Skye Parrish, Riley Parsons, Nicole Shinkfield, Angaddeep Singh, Jayden Taylor

Mrs Moeller
Arts Coordinator

Car Wash!

The first training session for the Special Operations Car Wash Program was a great success! The students in Room 8 Special Options class were so enthusiastic and did such a stellar job with washing both a hatchback and sedan. It’s clear that this hands-on experience is not only helping them develop practical skills but also fostering teamwork and individual strengths, and some business acumen. 

Their Teacher, Mr Peter, along with SSOs Jeff and Chez, are seeing positive results and are grateful for the support from Modbury High School staff. This collaborative effort is a great example of how community involvement can enhance educational experiences and teach valuable life skills. 

Here’s to many more successful car washes and the continued growth of these students’ skills and confidence! 


Arved (German Exchange) 

The MHS school community is great and one of the reasons why I enjoyed my time in Adelaide so much. Music was the subject I liked the most because we had time to practice our instruments and have fun, which, in Germany, rarely happens in the scheduled lessons. For the last half-year, I have been part of the Concert Band and the Woodwind Ensemble, which I really enjoyed, not only because of the fun when playing my instrument, but also because of the amazing people that I met when being in band and music lessons. While here, I also learned to use a whole new clarinet system, which was hard, but I had lots of help from my peers, my instrumental teachers, and from Mr. Budd. In my opinion, the music program at MHS is great, and I am not really looking forward to going back to my music lessons in Germany because they are mostly theory-based and boring. I hope that they will change it to be like Modbury's soon. 

- Arved Grotmaack 

It was a pleasure and honour to have Arved join us not only at school, but for music. He showed extensive dedication and passion for band and for his solo practice, which is extremely admirable. He was an amazing addition to our band family, and we wish him well on his way home to Germany. Hopefully our time together will hold wondrous memories forever. We miss him already and hope to see him again soon! 

Mia Ly – Year 11 Music Captain 

Beginner band workshop 

Week 8 

Instrumental Music Beginner Band Workshops provide an opportunity for students from adjacent schools to join musical peers in a large ensemble and perform fun and attainable repertoire within a short rehearsal time. Our Music Focus School Brass teacher, Mark Heinjus, lead the organisation of this years’ IM Beginner Band Workshop, held in the MHS during week 8. Approximately 115 students from Golden Grove, Highbury, and Ardtornish Primary Schools, including Modbury HS participants and mentors, were in attendance at the first workshop for 2024 to form a huge beginner band. Parents were entertained by a short performance displaying the Music they managed to learn in such a short time. 

Thank you to all staff involved in making the day a success. 

IM Staff: Lynn Sheridan, Sharon Burgess, Tom Hart, Robyn Paul, Mark Heinjus. 
School Staff: Anne O'Dea (Ardtornish PS), Kirrabelle Lovell (Highbury PS), Michael McConnochie (G. Grove PS), Gareth Budd (MHS). 

Term 3 

We are taking almost 50 MHS musicians to the Balaklava Eisteddfod at the end of week 2 as our students debut as first-time competitors in the event. The ABODA contest is coming up in week 4 and our Concert Band and Big Band will be representing the school, with the Concert Band entering the ‘advanced’ section for the first time. Happy practicing!  

Mr Budd
Music Teacher

Year 10 – Port Power presents Empowered 

Over two sessions our Year 10 students engaged with presenters from Port Power; Brett Ebert, Ash Saint, Dylan Errington, Amelie Borg, Tim Tuikaba and Goy Lok, to hear Empowered presentations on domestic violence and respectful relationships. Students hear strategies on how to keep themselves safe in a relationship, how to determine if a relationship is respectful or not and, the biggest challenge of all, how to stand up to our friends if we see them being disrespectful to others. As young people it is important to challenge stereotypes that lead to a power imbalance and stop true equality in our world. If we are going to live in a world that is equal and safe for all, we need to pave the way now to develop the people who can make that change so we are truly grateful for Port Power and their presentation on such an important conversation. We invite all parents and caregivers to continue to conversation at home on this topic. 

Japanese exchange students

On Thursday, 8th of August, our Year 10 English class had the privilege of hosting four wonderful Japanese exchange students for a lesson. To make their visit both special and memorable, we organised an iconic Australian food ranking activity. Among the foods ranked were Tim Tams, Lamingtons, Twisties, Caramel Koalas, and Milo. Tim Tams came out on top as a favourite amongst our exchange students! With the assistance of our Modbury High students, we then created a small persuasive piece on why their chosen food was the best!  

Ms Hoppo

Year 12 Retreat

Earlier this year when the year 12’s were on retreat, we had the honour of having Ms Freeth and Mrs Botten come talk to us about ideas that centre around wellbeing, with the main focus being “What is your WHY”. This saying allowed the students to look into why they are doing certain things in our life, this can be from the students personal life to school life. After this talk the students had the opportunity to draw on some hexagons, using images, symbols and words to represent who they are. Our hexagons, like the hexagons in honeycomb produced by bees, is a network that creates strength through unity.

Caitlin Fraser, Year 12 student

Important Dates

Monday 22 July | Student Free Day
Tuesday 23 July
| School Recommences
Friday 6 September | School Closure
Friday 27 September | Term 3 concludes

For more Term 3 Calendar dates: download the pdf version here

Principals Address

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to our last newsletter for Term 2. Reflecting back to the start of this term, I am very pleased with all the achievements by our students and staff over this very busy and packed term.

Year 11 and 12 Exams
The mid-year exams for Year 11 and 12 students took place during Weeks 8 and 9. The exam results for Year 11 students will determine their eligibility to continue with the subject in Year 12. For most subjects, students will need to achieve a grade of C+ or higher. Year 12 exam results provide students with an indication of their understanding of the concepts taught and highlight any areas needing attention in preparation for their final exams.

On Friday, 28th of June, students from the Special Options and Pathway classes, with the support of the Governing Council Chair, Mr Martin Crabb, their teachers, and SSOs worked tirelessly to transform an unattractive strip of land into a beautiful garden bed. It was delightful to see the students’ excitement and genuine pleasure in planting and working together. A heartfelt thank you to Mr. Martin Crabb, all the teachers, and SSOs for not only supervising the students but also for being excellent role models by actively participating.

End of Term Reports
A reminder that the Term 2 end-of-term reports will be published on Daymap today. I encourage you to discuss your child's results with them and to reflect on their achievements together. Support them in considering strategies to improve their grades for Term 3, which is particularly important for Year 12 students.

Subject Selection and Parent-Teacher Interviews
Subject selection and student led conferences will take place on Tuesday 20th August.  Starting in Week 2, during home group sessions, all students will work with their home group teachers to start exploring subject selections for the following year.  As part of this process, students will spend time considering various careers and subjects that may be relevant to their interests.  For students in Year 7, 8, 9 and 12 as well as considering subjects for the following years, they will spend time reflecting on their learning and complete a presentation which they will share with their parents on the day. More information about the process and how to book a time for selection and the presentations will be sent home early in Term 3.

Modbury High School says farewell to Mr Tim Hankin, Mrs Mary Fisher and Mrs Helen Thomas who after many years of teaching have decided to retire. Over the years they have supported many students and staff and I am sure will be missed by the Modbury High School community.   

We also farewell Mr James Dundon has been successful in winning a leadership position at another school and has commenced in his new role at the start of the semester. Mr Dundon has led the Science faculty for many years and supported the implementation of the STEM program at the school.  He too will be missed by his students and colleagues.

Ms Nianix Li, who has been with us replacing Mrs Kanter while on leave, is also leaving at the end of this term. We wish her all the best for the future and thank her for supporting our students.

Wishing everyone a relaxing, restful and happy holiday.
We will see you all back here all refreshed for another term on Tuesday 23rd July.

Ms Joanne Costa

Charlotte Bland representing both South Australia and Australia at Rifle Shooting

Modbury High School Year 11 student Charlotte Bland has had a busy start to 2024 representing both South Australia and Australia at Rifle Shooting.

In January Charlotte was selected to attend a Junior Air Rifle Tour of Austria and Germany where she competed in 4 competitions. Charlotte went on to win The Meyton Cup in Austria where there was a field of 50 competitors.

February saw Charlotte compete at the first Australian Olympic selection trial in Sydney where she shot a new Personal best Score and finished in first place.

In March she shot at the National Championships in Brisbane and came away with 1st place in Women’s 10m Air Rifle, 50m Junior prone and State teams Air Rifle.

Charlotte was then selected to represent Australia at the ISSF Final Olympic Qualification Championship in Rio, Brazil. She finished 79th Individually and 18th in Mixed pairs. This was the final domestic selection shoot for the Olympic Games in Paris and Charlotte finished in first place for the Australian leaderboard.

9 days after returning from Brazil she again represented Australia at the ISSF World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan, finishing 69th Individually and 26th in mixed pairs.

Then in May Charlotte attended a World Cup in Munich, Germany, which was the final opportunity to qualify for the Olympic games and an extremely large competition with 148 women competing in the Air Rifle, Charlotte managed 90th Individually and came 35th in the mixed pairs.

Charlotte’s goal for the remainder of 2024 is to compete at the Junior World Championship in Lima, Peru later in the year. Good Luck Charlotte! We are so proud of you and will be cheering you when you are in Peru!

Day of Gardening – Special Options and Pathways classes. 

Friday morning, 28th June, members of our Special Options and Pathways classes met with an expert landscaper to learn how to set up a garden. After a safety briefing and planning session, we set to work moving 6 tons of organic dirt and 8 cubic metres of mulch. 

We learned about designing gardens, laying drip feed water pipe, spacing colourful plants, and layering dirt and mulch. Mr Martin Crabb shared his passion as he taught us about design and the processes to follow to complete a garden from scratch. We used shovels, forks, buckets, wheelbarrows, blowers, and our gloved hands to create a beautiful space from a barren garden bed. 

It was great to work as a team to complete the whole job in one day, with the weather threatening to turn on us into the afternoon. To celebrate, we enjoyed some hot chips from a local store and viewed part of a movie related to the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which we finished reading earlier this term. 

A huge thank you to Martin for his passionate expertise, Ms Costa for allowing us to show what we can do, and for helping on the shovel when she could, the staff and students of the Special Options and Pathways classes. Watch this space as we continue to work towards a few more projects in our various programs. 

SA Refugee Week

Congratulations to Year 8 student, Benika Kaundal, who has won third place in the secondary school category for the SA Refugee Week Youth Poster Awards! Benika’s work was one of 85 selected to exhibit from 340 entries and 55 schools. 

Benika was invited to attend the exhibition launch today and to receive her award & prize. 

“The artwork represents an Australia welcoming people and refugees from other countries with open hands. It shows the diversity of multi-cultures coming to Australia, adapting to new change, contributing towards the Australian community, and feeling as if they belong” – Benika Kaundal 

SA Refugee Week is led by the Australian Migrant Resource Centre over 16th-22nd June and offers a range of programs, events and activities celebrating and connecting the refugee community with established communities. 

Careers and Employment Expo winner - Sienna

While attending the Careers and Employment Expo this year organised by Ms Stamati for the Year 10 students. one of our students, Sienna, entered the competition that was running at the Expo. The competition encouraged students to engage and have conversations with several Automotive exhibitors about potential career pathways in the industry. The competition card said “The more stickers you collect the greater your chance of winning multiple prizes”. Dr Katerin Berniz, Pathways Advisor Schools Support notified Ms Costa and Ms Stamati one off our students had won multiple prizes including the first prize. As below.

“I’m very happy to announce that Sienna Peck was the diligent student who did this and as a result, has become the ‘first prize winner’. 

The first prize is a voucher for V8 Front Seat Hot Laps at Mallala Motorsport Park   +  Sienna also won a $100 Repco Voucher!

Congratulation Sienna! 

Lara Somfai

Congratulations to former Modbury High School student Lara Somfai for winning a gold medal at the u18 basketball Asia Cup this week. Lara was placed in the all-star 5 for the competition for her excellent play throughout the week. 

It is amazing to see the hard work and dedication that Lara has put into basketball paying off on the big stage! She is currently playing basketball in the United States, with her next stop being to College basketball. 

We wish Lara all the best with her future in basketball, and look forward to watching her grow even more as a person and a player.

Yarning circle mural story

The mural was a collaboration between Modbury High School, Modbury South Primary School and Modbury Special School. Young people came together to brainstorm ideas for the mural project. They wanted to tell the story of our journey, how each school is interconnected, walking together proudly side by side, to form a community spirit that is built on respect, safety for each other, responsibility, one that is strong in culture, strives for a positive learning attitude and acknowledges our history.

The artwork incorporates elements that were important to the three school communities.

There are many people sitting around the gathering places. Each school community is identified by the size of the people sitting. The circle to the right shows students from MSS, the next circle shows students from MSPS and the circle at the left shows students from MHS. Each school is on a journey to the middle circle that represents a meeting place where all three school communities come, sit together to share stories, knowledge and ideas, building on our strong collective spirit that will guide us into the future.

The star symbolises our ancestors watching over us, guiding us and protecting us. The shield symbolises that we are working and learning on Kaurna Country and that we recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. The hills above symbolises strength and pride and the waters below symbolises deep feelings of community and connectiveness.

Important Dates

  • 24-28 June - Year 12 Exams
  • 26 June - Governing Council Meeting - 6:30pm
  • 1-3 July - Dental for Schools
  • 1 July - Year 11 Sammy D Foundation Presentation
  • 2 July - School Tour 3:30pm
  • 4 July - NAIDOC Assembly
  • 5 July - Term 2 Reports on Daymap, Student dismissal at 2:30pm

Principal's Address

Dear Parents / Caregivers,

The last four weeks have provided many wonderful moments and opportunities for parents and staff to witness the amazing achievements of our students.

Music Night
On Tuesday, 11th of June, the Music Department held the end-of-semester 1 Music Performance. It was an incredible event where students showcased their musical talents. The audience was treated to an array of performances from individuals, small groups, and the entire year group. What was evident through each performance was the enthusiasm, passion, and commitment of both students and teachers, and more importantly, the growth and development of the students' musical skills. Many parents expressed how proud they were of their children and how impressed they were with their performances.

A very big thank you to Mr. Budd for the overall planning and organization of the evening, and to Ms. Geszner and Mrs. Moeller for supporting Mr. Budd with the organisation. Thank you to the instrumental music teachers, Ms. L Sheridan, Mr. Heinjus, and Mr. Duncan, for supporting the students on the night and preparing them for their concert. We also extend our thanks to all the instrumental music teachers who, although unable to attend the evening, supported the students in their preparations for the concert.

Drama Performance
On Wednesday, 12th of June, the Year 9 drama students performed for their parents and students from neighbouring schools, Ardtornish and Modbury South primary schools. They performed “The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk,” which is an adaptation that adds a comic element to the traditional fairy tale. According to feedback from the audience, the performance was very entertaining and kept everyone engaged throughout.

Thank you to the staff and students from Ardtornish and Modbury South primary schools for attending the performance. A special thanks to Mr. Swain for his enthusiasm, passion, and commitment to the drama students, always striving to provide them with an authentic learning experience.

Year 12 Formal
The Year 12 formal took place on Friday, 14th of June, at Glen Ewin Estate. The evening was filled with fun and highlighted the close connections students have developed with their classmates and teachers. Ms. O’Brien Dent, who is currently on leave, surprised the students with a personal message read out by Mrs. Woolford. The Year 12 formal committee, with the support of Mrs. Woolford, Mr. Agalidis, Mr. Price, and Ms. Thomas, did an outstanding job, ensuring everything ran smoothly. The student and teacher awards kept everyone entertained, and the hall was filled with laughter as each award was announced. Students enjoyed the music and dancing.

A very big thank you to the Formal Committee, Ms. Woolford, Ms. O’Brien Dent, Ms Thomas, Mr Price, the year 12 homegroup and subject teachers for supporting the students in planning and organizing the event. Thank you also to all the staff who attended that evening. A special thank you to Mrs. Terriann Dearden for once again documenting the event with her exceptional skills as a photographer.

Pedal Prix
Pedal Prix students, with the support of Fast Cats, participated in the Victoria Park Pedal Prix race which took place on Sunday the 16th of June. As always, the students had lots of fun. A big thank you to Mrs. Hanlin and Mr. Ferguson for planning and organising the event. Thank you also to Fast Cats Racing for their ongoing support.

Attendance at School
I would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the importance of regular school attendance and its benefits to student learning and success.

Regular school attendance is crucial for student success, as it directly impacts academic achievement and social development. Consistent attendance ensures that students stay engaged with the curriculum, participate in essential classroom discussions, and develop a sense of responsibility and discipline. Moreover, students who attend school regularly are more likely to build strong relationships with their peers and teachers, fostering a supportive learning environment. As parents, encouraging and maintaining your child's regular attendance can significantly contribute to their overall educational and personal growth, setting a solid foundation for their future endeavours.

As per the Education Department and the school's attendance policy, we ask that if your child is going to be absent from school due to illness or a family reason, you contact the school and provide a reason for their absence.

Some students may not enjoy school, and at times, parents may find it difficult to get them to attend. If you are experiencing such difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our student wellbeing leaders are here to help you and support your student.

Joanne Costa

Ms Costa

Basket weaving

On Thursday 23rd May, A traditional Indigenous basket weaving workshop which was held by Marra Dreaming in the art gallery, organised by Marisa Hammer, the ASETO, alongside Ms Caitlin Brown, for a group of students. 

Traditional basket weaving goes back 10,000 years and is made by wetland grasses (such as lomandra species), lawyer cane (a spiky vine), pandanus, and black palm. Basket weaving can be used for many different things such as holding precious objects, carrying food, and nets for fishing. I found this workshop enjoyable and I'm grateful that Marra Dreaming came out and showed us the techniques passed down by the elders I wish to do this more one day.
-Dana Hammond

Year 12 Formal

Approximately 86 students and 30 staff members celebrated our Year 12 cohort at the formal at Glen Ewin Estate. This represented a culmination of months of planning by the student-led Formal Committee, who need to be congratulated for all of their efforts made in making this event a night to remember for the students. 

Many thanks also to Ms Lindsay Shire and Ms Madelin O’Brien-Dent for advising the committee along the way. 

Thanks need to go to Aidan Klose (Year 12 student) who entertained us all with his amazing DJ work. Thank you to Terriann Dearden (staff member) for taking all the amazing photographs on the night, and assisting the event photographer with the official photographs. Our official photography was actually an old scholar (2019 graduate)! 

Thankyou to Ms Cait Thomas and Mr Iain Price for MCing the night, Mr Luke Agalidis for helping me with some of the speaking and presenting of awards. 

Mrs Woolford
Assistant Principal
Curriculum / SACE 

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program | healthdirect

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by over 35 years of research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behaviour and prevent problems developing.

Triple P provides a suite of interventions to parents of children from birth to 16 years. Interventions are of increasing intensity and tailored to target particular demographics or parenting groups, including parents of children with a disability, parents going through separation or divorce, parents of children who are overweight, and First Nations parents. It aims to equip parents with the skills and confidence they need to be self-sufficient and manage family issues without ongoing support.

There are many different programs from, one to one formats to discussion groups and even online formats. Please follow the link below to find the best program for you here:

Pedal Prix

Despite the cold and windy day at our Tailem Bend AIPP Round 2 race, held at The Bend Motorsport on May 18th, the riders didn’t give up and kept fighting right to the end! Lynx secured 8th place in their category, while Pink Panther finished impressively in 4th place. The competition between Cheetah, Puma, and Ocelot riders made the race exciting and competitive throughout the day. Fast Cats Racing (FCR) had a stellar performance with Top Cat taking 1st place in its category. Hell Cat and Night Cat also contributed to FCR's success with 5th and 8th place finishes respectively. Overall, it was a brilliant day of racing with notable achievements. 

Most recently, at the Victoria Park race on a sunny Sunday, the 16th of June, Pink Panther encountered an early roll over at ‘Crash Corner’, fortunately the safety of the trike kept the rider safe and able to return to compete later in the day. All our MHS riders displayed fantastic efforts, resulting in impressive lap times, with supportive, yet competitiveness, between riders. It was great to see riders motivating and encouraging each other. 
We also saw Lynx improve from 8th position at Tailem Bend to 6th spot at Victoria Park, showcasing the student's progress and determination. 
FCR's race day the day earlier, despite less fortunate weather, still managed to proceed under dry conditions. Top Cat continued its winning streak with another 1st place finish, and Hellcat added to the success with a 3rd place in its category. This highlights the strong potential for Modbury High School students to continue their Pedal Prix journey after high school, joining the competitive and successful FCR adult teams. 

Looking ahead, the focus is now on Round 4 race back at The Bend Motorsport at Tailem Bend on August 3rd. 

For any students, even those yet to start Pedal Prix, if you are looking at riding in the 24-hour Murray Bridge race in September, please speak to Jess as soon as possible. To be eligible to race in Murray Bridge, you will be required to race in at least one other race in the season prior to the 24-hour race. 

Congratulations to all participants for their efforts and achievements, and for anyone interested in joining Pedal Prix, there's still an opportunity to get involved by contacting Jess to start your Pedal Prix experience. 
Well done to everyone involved in making these events successful and memorable! 
Email for details. 

A special thanks to Sharnee at Picture It Sport Photography for the amazing photos. 

One on one support coaching service for parents and carers

For a free coaching service for parents and carers, to build on your family's strengths, create clarity and increase confidence to support your teenager through a tough time. Follow the link below.

Topics covered: School and Education, Parenting Skills, First Nation parents and carers, Culture and Identity, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Friendships and Dating, Family Relationships.

Meeting Dr Jane Goodall

In collaboration with the Commissioner for Children and Young People, and the SA SRC, I had the opportunity of participating in a video project being shown at Cleland Wildlife Park’s Inaugural Youth Voice event on Saturday June 1st. The event centred around showcasing what youth across South Australia are working on, with a focus on the environment and our hope for the future. Students in the SA SRC were tasked with answering a series of questions, their answers then strung together and shown at the event. I was lucky enough to be one of two invited out of the several participants.

However, a focus of the event was to, in part, honour Dame Dr. Jane Goodall in her 90th year around the sun and 60 years of advocacy and work. She spoke at the event, and I found her words to be truly impactful and inspiring. An excellent speaker, who I believe could have gone on forever (to my delight). Before Saturday I had recently learned of a Dr. Jane Goodall tribute LEGO set, and thought it imperative to purchase it and bring it to the event. That I did.

I had a wonderful time meeting Jane, and a wonderful time hearing from everybody at the event.

- Xavier, a year 11 student

Work Experience

This week our year 10 students have been busy at work experience. Students are working in a varity of industries to gain real world experience in their area of interest. Teachers have been busy catching up with them throughout the week to see them in action and how they are doing.

Angelica has had an interesting week, observing tooth extractions, fillings and dental hygiene practices. It is something that she has always been interested in and sent out quite a few emails before she was accepted at SA Dental. Angelica knows that she has many years of study ahead of her (and a huge HECS debt) but is still keen to pursue this career.

Amir's work experience has been at Woolworths this week where his supervisors all say that Amir has been polite and keen to learn. He has worked in various sections both on the floor and behind the scenes. He has rearranged displays, checked on Date restrictions for various items and met staff in other sections of the store. There have been discussions with management about the possibility of part-time work following his work experience so this has been a successful placement for him.

Shahanna went back to her old Primary School to see what life was like on the other side and has had a very enjoyable work experience. She has been working with individual students to support their reading and to help with assignments and has introduced an Art task to the whole class. While at Dernancourt Primary School, I also ran into a student from last year who is working as an SSO – Sienna. Our students are out in the community doing good things!

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T)

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) teaches parents and educators specific communication and conflict resolution skills to create and sustain effective and enduring relationships with children of all ages in all circumstances.

The Program:

How is P.E.T. delivered?
Online (Zoom classes) and in-person groups are available. P.E.T. can also be undertaken individually or as a couple and is always facilitated by highly skilled accredited instructors

For more information follow the link below:

Music Night

It is very exciting to share my experience of the first music night for 2024, especially being the first-ever Year 12 Music Captain at Modbury High School. As a passionate senior musician, it was truly thrilling to witness the gym packed with incredible performances from various bands. The evening not only showcased the immense talent but also the dedication of Modbury's students as they continue to grow in their musical journeys. From Year 8 beginners to Senior students finishing their school careers and hopefully taking their musical talents beyond school, everyone supported and encouraged each other throughout the night. This spirit of collaboration highlighted the hard work, creativity, and vibrant musical community we have at Modbury. It was a privilege to be part of such a memorable event. 

Crystal – Year 12 Music Captain 2024 

Year 11 RAP Session

Monday 13th May saw our Year 11 students participate in a Road Awareness Program session. It is sponsored by our Stage Government and supported by our Department for Education, and is provided by the Metropolitan Fire Service. The session provides an open and honest insight by our firefighters and service providers who work in road crash rescue situations. It provides a hard-hitting insight into road trauma.

The session was provided by MFS member Joshua Byerlee, who recounted some of his own experiences in attending road crash events, recalling statistics and providing insights from families of victims. The students were also spoken to by a crash victim who, while they survived, recalled the extensive injuries they have suffered (and continue to), the lengthy recovery and affect it has had on their family and friends.

While this information was confronting for our Year 11 students, it is meant to empower our young drivers of today and tomorrow about the risks and choosing their consequences.

Year 11 Exams and End of Semester Term 2 Week 8

Year 11 students are currently undertaking their final assessments for semester 1. Students are requiring to undertake examinations as part of their subjects – in preparation for Stage 2 subject requirements and eligibility.

Students have also reviewed their post-school pathways with respect to their semester 2 subject choices and Stage 2 potential subject pathways. This will culminate in the Subject Selection process in the middle of Term 3.

Year 12 Mid-Year Exams and Reports – Term 2 Week 9

During this year so far, Year 12 students have been receiving ongoing feedback regarding their progress through the Interim and End of Term Reports. These help to provide Year 12 leaders with

clear information on how students are progressing, so that conversations can occur with the students and families regarding their process.

Part of assessing student progress is the opportunity for students undertaking subjects with an end of year exam to practice these processes with our Mid Year Exams. Students will be undertaking these during Term 2 Week 9. Students will then be able to reflect on how they prepared for these exams, and what improvements and/or changes they can make to then optimise their opportunities at the end of the year.

Subjects without examinations are continuing their progress through their assessment tasks, and students will still be attending their double lessons during Week 9, as well as the Monday timetabled lessons.

Dear Parents/Caregivers, 

The last four weeks have been incredibly busy with our students continuing to engage with their learning and participating in many extra curriculum activities. 

Teaching and Learning 
Teachers have continued to work in their PLTs, exploring different elements of pedagogy. On Friday the 3rd of May, curriculum leaders met to discuss their improvement plans. Leaders shared their journeys so far and what elements of pedagogical practice their faculties were exploring. Some of the areas explored are differentiated learning, multiple exposures, questioning, collaborative learning, and feedback. In addition to individual faculties exploring specific elements, the whole school is working together to learn more about metacognition and teach students metacognitive strategies for learning. With this work, we aim to improve the teaching and learning experiences of the students and support them to become effective learners, which is one of our school’s goals for 2024. 

School Culture 
The culture committee has continued to work with staff to unpack the behaviours which underpin each of our school’s values: We are United, Passionate, and Accountable. During our student-free day, which took place on the first day of the term, they worked with staff to unpack what behaviours impact how well the school values are realized. The exploration started with the value of “we are passionate.” Over the next few weeks, Ms. Casey Rendell, Learning Environment Assistant Principal, will be running a number of similar workshops with students to get their input, so as a school community, we have agreed expectations of what positive behaviours reflect each value. 

NAPLAN Results 
The preliminary results for NAPLAN have been provided to us. There are five aspects to the test: Numeracy, Reading, Writing, Grammar and Punctuation, and Spelling. In all areas except for Grammar and Punctuation, both our Year 7 and 9 students sit in the “strong performance” category. In Grammar and Punctuation, we sit mostly in the developing category. We will continue to unpack this data and determine strategies to improve in all aspects of the tests, particularly Grammar and Punctuation. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews 
Parent-teacher interviews were held on Thursday the 16th of May. Over 850 appointments were made with teachers. It was pleasing to see so many parents attend the interviews and to see teachers smiling at the end of the day, commenting on the positive experience they had. They were very appreciative and thankful for the support they received from parents.  

Pedal Prix
On Saturday, 18 May, the Pedal Prix students competed at Tailem Bend. Thirty students attended, along with the Fast Cats racing team. Mr Wayne Ferguson and Mrs Jess Hanlin were extremely impressed with how well our students participated. Pink Panther won 4th place out of 7, and Links came 8th out of 39 teams. The Masters Team, Top Cat from Fast Cats, came 1st. Thank you to Jess, Wayne, and the Fast Cats Racing Club for their planning, organising, and ongoing support of the Pedal Prix program. 

Hydrogen Car Racing 
A group of four students competed in the Hydrogen Grand Prix racing. These students belong to the STEM club, which operates every Wednesday afternoon. They developed their own hydrogen car and were successful in winning third place. This is an extraordinary achievement, as this is the first time that the students undertook such a project and competed in this event. Congratulations to Riley, Samuel, Liam, and Declan for their achievement, and thank you to Mr. James Dundon for the mentoring and support he has provided to the students. 

Farewell to Hannah Downes 
It is with sadness that our school community is farewelling Mrs. Hannah Downes, Assistant Principal of Learning Environment. Hannah and her family are moving interstate. Hannah has been an incredible leader who has touched the lives of many students and staff at Modbury High School. Hannah’s enthusiasm, passion, and commitment to Modbury High School were evident in everything that she did. Her students loved her passion for physics and sense of humour. Her colleagues loved her commitment to making Modbury High School a better place for everyone. Thank you, Hannah, for all your amazing work over the years. Modbury High School wishes you a bright and wonderful future. You will always be a part of Modbury High School. 

Ms Joanne Costa


Every day a student attends school has a positive impact on their future prospects and their development as an individual. A focus on increasing student attendance through support and intervention with the student and their families creates a culture of success within the school community.
Research from around the world has demonstrated a clear link between improved literacy and numeracy outcomes and attendance at school. Family engagement with the student and the school around attendance and achievement has also been shown to be critical; when families understand the relevance of attendance they work more closely and effectively with the school.

As a parent or caregiver, it is your responsibility to:

Reminder we will not be using Spacetalk for SMS or email from Mon 27 May.  It will all be through Daymap.

For more information and how to guides please click the following link.


Each term, the school acknowledges the students who achieve exceptional end-of-term results.

Outstanding Achievement awards are presented to students who obtained the maximum number of A grades for their year level. The academic achievement of these students was recognised at our Outstanding Achievers Recess in Week 2 this term.

High Achievement awards are presented to students who obtain one fewer A grade than the maximum for their year level.

Congratulations once again to these students!

Outstanding Achievement

Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12
Skye ParrishJules SualogJess FreebairnBreanne ButtonJasmin Andrews
Eileen ZhangGargee VyasCharli HodsonJordyn CookMadison Benton
Saarakshya SharmaRei CookHannah Dones
Scarlett TaylorCameron GreenQuinn Duncan
Arved GrotmaackLawrence French
Danika LowKaiwen He
Emily ZhangLianna Lineage
Kahlan Mashford
Tanvita Naik
Hana Wong

High Achievement

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12
Abbey CarrollArmaan BabwaniLogan AshmanRonan AtkinsCharlotte BlandJack Counihan-Abbott
Thomas CoombeFelix Brotherton-CollinsHong ChenLara AzoMolly CoxSarah Crozier
Andrei DumitrescuSibella KastanosTyler Gaskin-OsborneIsha BaneKatelyn FraserMarli Donsberg
Erin FreebairnIsobel LeysonHudson GeierElla BoyleImogen JanickiOscar Elder
Imogen GillespieRuby McFarlandLiam HanlinAbi CavenettLia KaisTrinity Fowler
Isabella GilliganHudson MenthaNicholas HaskardIzzy DubeChristopher KastanosCarlos Gray-Claveria
Reva KhannaPrithvi PatelAva HuettenrauchInyoung KimJade KolmanAnton Kastanos
Ella LeePayton RichardsonMaddison JohnsAngelica LizasoAriel LimRomeo Mangava
Amalie RossFleur RoweBrendan KeastAki SicoyMia LyTyson Nottle
Toby StrelanBranson KusmadiEmily TotaniMika OsborneJade Pelton
Elsie ZhangHasifa MbatuddeElliot Webster-BrownXavier PaulsonJazsmin Smith
Miley MugfordTom WhistlerRaina SaitovAndrea Sualog
Roshani RajkumarOlivia WightonAlecia SaldaviaLeo Vorrasi
Vivaan RajpalCaitlyn Scott
Paige SharpeMady Sharma
Ella TaylorJosh Stewart
Elisha Tonkin
Isabella Wright

7 Spanish 

Term 1 in Spanish we have been learning about Spain and introductory sentences. We have been focussing on numbers, months of the year and pronunciation (phonetics) of the Spanish alphabet. Lots of new vocabulary has been learnt for greetings and basic conversations. Students have been working in class or for homework on Duolingo or blooket to assist in revision of vocabulary and phrases. Students have looked at the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and decorated their book covers with a Picasso style self-portrait. We looked at artwork from Picasso’s blue and rose periods and students then chose to either replicate these or draw their own self. 

Ms Fiona Muggleton
Spanish Teacher

Mr Jorge Paredes
Spanish Teacher

Empowering Women in Male Dominated Professions 

Shaelee Herman and I were lucky enough to be invited to the HiViZ Women Building SA Luncheon at the Adelaide Convention Centre last Friday. The inspiring afternoon featured numerous powerful women who shared their stories, offering insights and encouragement to women navigating male-dominated professions. It was fantastic to see a room full of strong women supporting each other and proving that men and women are equal! A key message taken from the event was that together, we can break barriers, inspire change, and create a more inclusive environment for everyone. 

We are incredibly proud of Shaelee for following her dream of becoming an Australian Defence Force Electrician. 

Ms Brooke Hoppo
English & Humanities Teacher 

Art Excursion

On the last day of term 1, Friday 12th April, two year 11 Art classes including Mrs Moeller, Ms Brown and Mr Price, went on an exhibition marathon! The Waterhouse Prize is a prestigious exhibition in the SA Museum showcasing Australian artists who explore a range of media and concepts. The exhibition is ‘where Natural Science and Art collide’. The theme is fitting for us as our Visual Study for this semester investigates Artists associated with nature. This exhibition takes place every two years, and we visited it on the opening day. We also perused the Inner Sanctum exhibition at the Art Gallery of SA before lunch and finally got to view the great works and folios of selected 2023 stage 2 Art and Design students from around the state at the Light Square Gallery. This exhibition is important as it illustrates the documented visual and written processes of year 12 students, from first ideas to the final practical, and gives all an understanding of how to write an artist statement too.  

Mrs Jess Moeller
Arts Coordinator

Australian powerlifting alliance nationals

Harvey Spencer, a year 11 student, has represented South Australia at the Australian Powerlifting Alliance Nationals in Newcastle, NSW where he placed 1st 🥇 in his division, Sub-Junior under 93kg 🏋️‍♂️🏆

His best lifts were:
Squat 225kg
Bench Press 140kg (National Record)
Dead Lift 263.50 (National Record)

Harvey is currently ranked 13th in the world for Sub Junior under 93kg and will be representing Australia at the International Powerlifting Federation Worlds in Aug/Sept in Malta.

"Going into this comp I was the most nervous I had been before a meet. Jimmy (3rd place) and Corey (2nd place) pushed me really hard going into deads. But on my opener I failed my lockout because my left calf cramped up. For a moment I thought I had lost but my dad pulled me aside and tried to spark up as much self confidence in me he could and I smoked it on the 2nd attempt. For my third attempt I had to pull 263.5kg to tie Corey's total and win through bodyweight. In the end I got the final deadlift I needed and WE'RE GOING TO WORLDS"
- Harvey.

Congratulations Harvey! We are very proud of you and your achievements!! We will be cheering you on in Adelaide while you are at worlds! 🎉🏋️‍♂️🏆

World Cheerleading

Rubie Lehman’s journey to 2nd place in the world started with a video submission to try-out for the Australian u/14 Cheerleading team. From there she made it through to the in-person tryouts with 60 other athletes finally being accepted onto Team Australia with a team of 31 athletes all aged between 12 and 14. 

In the lead up the world championships she undertook many trainings here In Adelaide every Friday night along with two full day team trainings in Sydney and one in Melbourne before travelling to Orlando Floria for the competition.  

There was 5 days of tough training and then a grueling two weeks of competition, she put in a fantastic effort along with her team eventually coming away with the 2nd place trophy “it was a really fun experience and I would do it again and recommend it to any other potential cheerleaders out there”. 

YEar 11 - Term 2

Please click the following here to download information regarding Year 11 in term 2.

Thank you Wormald Canvas

Wormald Canvas continue to support Design & Technology at Modbury High. They recently, very kindly supplied some canvas covers to the Design and Technology faculty free of charge. These are sincerely appreciated and we thank them for these and hope that if members of the high school community need any canvas products that Wormald Canvas is part of their consideration.

Ms Aimie Strawbridge
Coordinator of Design & Technology

Mr Wayne Ferguson
Coordinator of Design & Technology

Empowered Leadership Day 

On the 16th of May, 11 Year 10 students attended the Empowered Leadership Day at the Alberton Oval Precinct. These students represented Modbury High School on their pupil free day. Their behavior and engagement in all activities on the day was a wonderful reflection of these awesome attendees. 

The theme of the day was based on leadership qualities and skills, being an upstander and online safety. Students heard from AFL and AFLW Port Power players around how they lead by example and values they strive to achieve in their leadership role so they can inspire others. Port Power players and coaching staff ran a session on scenarios of how to be an upstander in various situations. Flinders University having partnered with Centacare and Port Power to develop a Power Up Online Safety program which the students were asked to give feedback on so that this program has the best chance of appealing to as many young people as possible. 

In between these sessions students were given a tour of player locker rooms as well as the High Performance Centre where the players train. They also had a chance to have a kick around on Alberton Oval and participate in training drills run by the players from the AFLW and AFL Port Power teams. 

Ms Lauren Freeth
Year 9/10 Level Leader


In 2025, Modbury High School is excited to extend on the existing specialist basketball program to introduce a new basketball academy that will be available for all students starting in year 7 and going through to year 10. This academy is specifically designed to improve student-athlete's basketball ability, strength & conditioning as well as prepare them for success in SACE. 

Year 6 students wishing to attend Modbury High School in 2025 with an interest in joining the basketball academy, please complete this form:

For out of zone students wishing to attend for the academy, a reminder that when entering your preferences on the Department Starting Secondary registration of interest form (due Friday 24/5) to nominate Modbury High School as your preference and outline that you are wishing to attend for the basketball academy, as well as completing the above form for our records. 

Current high school students that wish to attend Modbury High School with an interest in basketball, please complete the letter provided in the enrolment pack. 

This amazing program coincides with the continuing USA basketball tour, with the next trip being held in 2025. 

The academy is overseen and coached directly by our head of basketball, Riley Harrap. Riley has years of experience coaching at state levels and currently plays NBL1 for the Norwood Flames. For further information, please contact him directly on

Mr Riley Harrap
Teacher | Basketball Specialist Manager

Modbury High School H2GP Competition Team Shines in a Thrilling Race

The Hydrogen Grand Prix (H2GP) program challenges tomorrow's innovators to design, engineer, build, and race their own hydrogen-powered RC cars. Through this program, our future leaders develop the creativity, ingenuity, and real-world problem-solving skills needed to tackle tomorrow's energy challenges. From the 20 teams competing, the winner would earn a place to compete in the World Final in the US.

Our team Innov8 Velocity Racing competed in an exhilarating 4-hour race, showcasing their exceptional skills and teamwork. Leading for the first three-quarters of the race, our team ultimately secured an impressive 3rd place finish. The competition demanded precise power management, with teams limited to using three batteries and 18 Hydrostiks (hydrogen fuel containers) and driver skill and endurance to achieve the highest number of laps in 4h.

Despite an early setback when a crash inadvertently switched off our fuel cell, draining our first battery, our resilient team managed to navigate the remaining 3.5 hours on only two batteries. This remarkable feat was made possible by the incredible efforts of our two drivers, Riley and Samuel, as well as our dedicated pit crew, mechanic, and race strategists, Liam and Declan.

Our team, consisting of one Year 8 and three Year 9 students were competing against much older teams, making their achievement even more commendable. These students have been working tirelessly since the middle of 2023, sacrificing lunchtimes and after-school hours to hone their skills in our STEM club.

We are incredibly proud of our team's perseverance, dedication, and outstanding performance. Congratulations to Riley, Samuel, Liam, Declan. Your hard work and passion for STEM is truly inspiring!

Mr James Dundon
Science | DATA | STEM Coordinator

LEt us know!

If your student has had achievements outside of school, let us know! We would love to celebrate together! Just send us an article with information and photos you would be happy for us to share. Email us at

Music Update

The start of 2024 has seen many ups and downs for MHS Music with us not attending GIJ to expanding our IM offerings. 

For the first time at MHS, we now provide Voice lessons to eligible students in the Choir. We bid a warm welcome to Mrs. Schultz, our new IM voice teacher. 

Our Choir has also bolstered in numbers to around 20 students under the guidance of Ms. Geszner. 

We are also very proud to have established small ensembles for Woodwind, Brass, Flute, Saxophone, and Classical Guitar, run by our incredible IM staff. We thank Mrs. Sheridan, Mr. Heinjus, Ms. Paul, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Bairstow for their time and support of the MHS Music program. 

A number of these groups will be performing alongside class and school ensembles at our Semester 1 Music Night, on Tuesday the 11th of June (in the school Gym). A small number of these new ensembles will also go on to represent MHS at the Balaklava Eisteddfod next term.  

We look forward to our upcoming opportunities! 

Purruna Kuu Café Donations 

Congratulations to Sienna Peck for being successful with the donation letter she wrote. Sienna reached out to some of our local coffee bean roasters to gain donations for the Purruna Kuu Cafe. Veneziano Coffee Roasters have generously donated 6kgs of their delicious coffee beans. Veneziano has a fabulous cafe on Melbourne Street in North Adelaide. When you are near the cite next drop in for a coffee, lunch or treat and let me know how appreciative you are that they are supporting wellbeing initiatives at Modbury High School. 

Ms Lauren Freeth
Year 9/10 Level Leader

Sports News

For the Sports Day Newsletter and Athletics Newsletter - Click here

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of term 1. It has certainly been a very busy and productive term. 

Teaching and Learning 

At the start of this term, all teachers and leaders were introduced to our new Pedagogical framework. Since then, Curriculum leaders have been working with their faculties to explore different elements of the framework. The purpose of this work is for teachers to explore evidence-based pedagogical practices which lead to an increase in student engagement and learning outcomes for students. 

F1 in Schools 

Once again, our F1 students have made us extremely proud with their achievements. Acruz racing participated in the National competition held in Adelaide earlier this term and secured second place, earning an invitation to the World Championships. Congratulations to the students involved in the competition, Kahlan M, Mason G, Olivia M, Luke Z, and Carlos G.  

A very big thank you to Mr. Karl Read for his ongoing support of the students and for the huge commitment to his students which includes many extra hours after school and on the weekends. A huge thank you to Steve Read and Kate Read who have volunteered their time to support the studnets.As well a very big thank you to the families of the students who have supported them with their presence at the competition, fundraising, and simply being there for them as they prepared for the competition. 

Sports Day 

Sports Day took place on the 8th of March. It was a fantastic and positive event, with significant student participation. Once again, Gilmore secured first place, followed by Wright in second, Lawson in third, and Tilley in fourth. 

Student Reports 

The first Assessment period for 2024 was completed at the end of week 10 of this term. For students in Year 7-10, the assessment reflects their progress so far with respect to the Australian Curriculum standards. Students are assessed according to the relevant year level and subject standard. Year 11 and 12 Students are assessed according to the SACE performance standards for each subject. Student reports will be published on Daymap on Friday, April 12. Please take time to discuss their results and any strategies that may support them to further improve, or simply congratulate them for their excellent results. If you have concerns with your child’s progress, please ensure that you make an appointment with their teacher during parent-teacher interviews, which will take place in week 3 of term 2 on Thursday, May 16,  

Student Free Day 

Our second student Free Day will take place on  Monday 29 April whicht  is the first day of term 2.  We have designed a comprehensive program which adressess a number of areas. For students with disabilities, personalized plans will be developed, focusing on their specific needs and ensuring that they can access the curriculum Additionally, we will take the opportunity to unpack the results of the perspective survey,  which will further enhance our learning environment and overall school experience. A significant part of the day will be dedicated to developing a set of mindful agreements that underpin each of the school's newly developed values.  

Wishing everyone a happy, safe and restful holiday. 

Ms Joanne Costa

Year 12 Term 1 Holiday Sessions and Expectations

Click here to download the Year 12 Holiday Session information.

Contacting The School - during holidays

If you need to contact the school during the school holidays, please email us at

Pedal Prix

The pedal-powered excitement rolled on at the AIPP Round One Pedal Prix race at McNamara Park in Mount Gambier, marking the beginning of the 2024 AIPP racing season. Despite the heat, the event proved to be a resounding success, with 26 enthusiastic students travelling to Mount Gambier, eager to showcase their speed and skills on the track. 

Pink Panther, our all female team, emerged victorious after an eventful day, claiming first-place in their category. We’re on the lookout for additional riders to join their ranks, so if you have a passion for racing and want to be part of a winning team, don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Our Middle School Team, Lynx, took out second place in their category behind only Pembroke. They should be extremely proud of themselves, showing fierce determination throughout the day. Thank you for working so hard to support each other, both in the lead up to the race and in the weeks since. Continuing to motivate each other to improve, finding supportive ways to build strength and endurance. 

Puma’s new riders were learning how to position themselves on the track, how to build speed and navigate a busy track, while experienced riders in the team worked on developing these skills further. 

Cheetah had a great race, placing 9th in category. With an impressive ride from Jaxon, riding a mammoth 35 laps of the 2.4km circuit, we can’t wait to see how they develop as a team and how they place at the next race. 

Best crash of the day goes to Thomas in Puma! The crash rendered Puma's trike unrideable, forcing them to bow out of the remainder of the race during the afternoon. Fortunately, Thomas emerged from the crash with only minor grazes, a testament to the safety of the trikes. Thomas is now an honourable member of riders able to tell the tale of their spectacular crashes, like a badge of honour! 

With Round One coming to a close, attention now turns to the next challenge: Round Two at Tailem Bend. This six-hour endurance race, set at The Bend Motorsport on the 18th of May, promises to be another thrilling event. 

In other exciting news, the past two weeks witnessed a fantastic turnout each Thursday for come-and-try sessions at lunchtime on the tennis courts. These sessions provided newcomers with a firsthand taste of the pedal racing experience, igniting their passion for the sport. Due to their popularity and success, more come-and-try sessions are set to be organised for Term 2, offering even more opportunities for students to embrace their inner racer. 

A huge thank you to Fast Cats Racing for your continued support, we couldn’t be so successful without you! 


Reminder Fees are now overdue! You can make payments on the Qkr! App, for other options please see our School Payments page here. Please note, our Finance Office is CLOSED during School Holidays and will reopen when school commences.

If you would like to order a 2023 Yearbook please place an order via the Qkr! App.

Calendar term 2

Please click here to download Term 2 Calendar.

*Reminder Student Free Day Monday 29th April. School Recommences Tuesday 30th April

Click here to download the Sports Voucher Registration form

Dear parents/caregivers,

Welcome to the second edition of the 2024 newsletter. After a very hectic start to the year, the students have settled down into the school routines, continuing to engage with their learning.

Farewell to Mr Michael Hillier
It is with sadness that we bid farewell to our colleague and teacher who recently passed away. Despite his brief tenure of just six months at our school, he quickly forged meaningful and positive relationships with both colleagues and students alike. His caring demeanour and passion for teaching were evident to all who knew him, and he exuded a genuine love for being in the classroom. His absence will be deeply felt within our school community. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends during this difficult time.

Open Evening
A highlight for our school community was our school's "Open Evening." Students and teachers showcased their work, demonstrating the exceptional standards upheld at our school. Many prospective parents expressed their admiration for what they witnessed and inquired about the process to enrol their child at our school. A very big thank you to all the staff and student helpers for their outstanding contributions

Learning improvement
This year teachers are working towards two overarching goals: —increasing achievement in reading and writing, and fostering effective learners through a culture of agency and wellbeing—teachers are leveraging the newly constructed Pedagogical framework with strategic precision. Utilizing the action research cycle as their guiding compass, they are delving into the diverse elements of the framework, exploring methodologies, and instructional strategies to tailor their approach to the specific needs of their students.

Attendance to school
A friendly reminder to all parents: please informs the school when your child is absent and provide a reason for the absence. Regular attendance at school is essential for learning as it ensures students have consistent access to instruction, peer interaction, and vital resources. Each day in the classroom presents opportunities for discovery, collaboration, and growth. Regular absences from school hinder students' learning and can impact their academic achievement. Additionally, consistent attendance instils vital habits of responsibility, punctuality, and commitment—qualities critical for success in both school and life. I encourage parents who are concerned about their child's absence from school to contact the relevant year-level leader or student counsellor to discuss their concerns and work together to improve attendance.

Drop off at school
A heartfelt thank you to all parents who are diligently adhering to our request to drop off students at the gate instead of driving through the school grounds. Your cooperation greatly minimizes the risk of accidents and ensures the safety of our students. We implore all parents to follow suit and continue prioritizing safety by utilizing the designated drop-off areas. Together, we can create a secure environment for our children to thrive.

Ms Joanne Costa

Sports Day

Sports day this Monday 18th March! Day starts at 7:30am to 2pm.

For more information please follow the link.

Road Safety Program

Get Home Safe Driver Safety Student Session 

In Week 3, Year 10 students attended the Get Home Safe Driver Safety session. This involved a VR driving experience where we were told how to be aware of danger while driving, what hazards we should be aware of while driving and how to drive while preparing to stop. He also told us stories of what could happen if you don’t make the right decisions while driving. These are things like drinking and driving or using your phone. He told us of the ‘four second rule’, where we had to imagine that what would happen if you got yourself in a car accident and what would it look like when the police take the death note to your family. The first second you imagine the police going to your door, the next second is your parents reactions, the third second is your parents tells siblings and the forth is them having to tell everyone else they know about your death and what this would be like for all involved. 

Half way through the presentation, one student was asked to drive the car in VR but with the real car pedals and steering wheel. I was the student who got to drive the car. After I sat in the car, I was given three scenarios where the first one was to drive the car normally and follow the hazards on the road. I completed the first one with no hesitation. In the second one, I had to remember to stop while driving. In that scenario, I drove the car and there was a kid that randomly ran out on the road, I managed to brake and stop the car without hitting them. I completed the second successfully too. In the last one, I had to use my phone while driving. I had to write my name and the suburb I live in. I was driving perfectly until the instructor gave me the phone and I had to write my information. My car drifted out to the other lanes, and I crashed into the pedestrians. This experience so clearly showed why not to use your phone or anything else that can get us distracted easily while driving.  

Yuvraj Yuvraj
Year 10 Student 

Year 10 Road Safety Evening Session 

On the Wednesday the 14th of February I attended a Get Home Safe driver program with my Mum. It was a way for our parents to get educated on how to safely teach their year 10 children how to drive when they get their Ls. He started off by making sure the parents who attended the night were educated themself by going through some give way questions, luckily all the parents got most of the questions right. 
The presenter, Darren, spoke about how it’s important to make sure that the car our parents are teaching us in is safe enough to keep us safe if we crash while learning. Every car has a safety rating between 1-5 stars. It is recommended not letting young drivers drive in anything below a 3 star rating because cars below that won’t protect our heads, legs and chest in the event of a crash. 
Darren highlighted the importance of not going with the cheap option for a driving instructor. He encouraged everyone to use an instructor who was willing to be transparent and have parents involved in the lesson, one who is willing to give feedback on what to work on between lessons and someone who isn’t going to cut corners. Young drivers only get the chance to learn to drive once so you want this to be set up as safely as possible. Darren let us know that 70% of crashes are caused by mistakes so it is important we do whatever we can to prepare ourselves properly for driving and reduce these mistakes to make the roads safer for all. 
Both mum and I found this session a very informative and educational one to help make sure we are safe on the roads, particularly while on L and P plates. 

Harry Sheldrick 
Year 10 Student 

Thank you to Fast Cats Racing, the group that supports Pedal Prix at Modbury as they were able to support the driver education program by providing a shade to ensure the students were out of the sun.

Student Voice Council

On Monday of Week 5 we had our SVC Assembly where 73 students were inaugurated into our Student Voice Council for 2024. SVC offers students the opportunity to be involved in the decisions relating to the future growth and development of the school. Student input into our school is very important and we are excited to have so many students who are keen to create positive change. In the past, SVC have organised events, fundraisers, and improvements in student facilities, for example, the chilled water fountains throughout the school. SVC works to make improvements for the students here at MHS, as well as giving back to our local community through charity events. At our assembly, we were lucky enough to have Mr Ryan McMahon, the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Tea Tree Gully, give a speech about leadership, the importance of being an elected representative and working as a team to create positive change.

During week 6 we held our annual SVC Congress where elected members spent the day getting to know each other and setting some goals for what they want to achieve for 2024. Between further facilities upgrades, developing school and community relationships and some exciting events, this year’s SVC has some big and exciting plans in the works. Watch this space!

Ms Casey Rendell
Assistant Principal

farewell Steven Collings

It is with sadness that we share the recent passing of retired Visual Arts teacher and Coordinator Steven Collings. Mr Collings was on staff at Modbury High School for many years and he will be remembered for sharing his passion for The Arts with his students.

Open Evening

Open Evening was a big success! There was lots of new faces who came out to see Modbury High School in action! Big thank you to all our staff and students who helped make it a wonderful night and helped showcased our amazing school.

Qkr! app

The Android Phone issue has now been resolved, parents/users can now download the App from the Google Play Store.

Follow the link for a 'How to Guide' and links to the app store.

uniform shop campbelltown

The Campbelltown School Uniform Shop will be closed for Easter long weekend, 29th March to the1st April and Re-opening Tuesday 2nd April at 1pm.

Please make sure you book an appointment to buy and try on uniforms.

PK Café Donations 

Purruna Kuu, Modbury High School’s wellbeing space, is the home of the PK Café where staff can get barista style coffee. The space so often assists in supporting the wellbeing of our students so we love that the space can also help boost the wellbeing of our staff through a delicious caffeine hit. Students can also be trained on the coffee machine and serve our staff which increases the connections in our school community. 

Currently Integrated Learning students are writing letters to local businesses to gain donations for our café. This task is not only increasing their literacy skill and business exposure and awareness but also assisting them in contributing to the school community. The donations will mean that more of the money raised by staff buying coffee cards can go toward wellbeing programs and initiatives. 

Dieter Ratzmer has been successful in his letter to ‘For Love of Coffee’ Café on Gilbert Street with 2 bags of beans being donated. Alanna Wittmann has also been successful in her letter to Kmart and her hope for PK Café to be more sustainable and rely less on disposable coffee cups. Firle Kmart have so generously designed and donated a set of mugs for the café. We are very grateful for our donations and the students have been getting so much out of the experience. 

If you know of any businesses who might be willing to donate, or suggestions of places our students could write to, please contact Lauren Freeth at and we will gladly make the most of your suggestion. We will advertise all companies who donate and make sure people know of their generosity in supporting the wellbeing initiatives and programs at Modbury High School. 

Ms Freeth
Year 9/10 Leader

Basketball holiday sessions


Modbury High School’s basketball specialist teacher, Riley Harrap, is offering 2 free basketball sessions over the term 1 school holidays. The clinics are available for all students currently studying in year 5 or 6. The sessions will provide an opportunity to see how basketball specialist is taught at Modbury High School and what the program offers.

To register your interest, please use the link below:
For more information, contact Riley Harrap at

Pedal Prix - velodrome

What an amazing day it was at the recent Velodrome experience hosted by Fast Cats Racing! Modbury High School saw twenty of our wonderful students to the track, many of whom were experiencing the thrill of riding a trike for the first time. And boy, did they love it! It was so heartwarming to see the joy and excitement on their faces as they zoomed around the track. Some were having such a great time that they didn't want to get out! 

The Velodrome experience was not only a fun day out for the students but also a valuable opportunity for them to try something new, challenge themselves, and work on their cycling skills. It was a great way for them to build confidence, teamwork, and sportsmanship while enjoying the exhilarating world of Pedal Prix. 

A big thank you to Fast Cats Racing for hosting such a fantastic event and providing a safe and exciting environment for the students to explore the world of trike racing. The experience undoubtedly left a lasting impression on the students, sparking a newfound love for Pedal Prix and leaving them eager for more racing adventures.  

Our Pedal Prix riders are gearing up for an adrenaline-pumping experience at the upcoming UniSA Australian HPV Super Series season opener race at McNamara Park in Mount Gambier! On Saturday, March 16th, 26 riders over four teams will be hitting the 2.4km track at McNamara Park for an exhilarating 8-hour race. The teams are excited to showcase their skills, speed, and teamwork as they take on the challenges of the closed-circuit motorcycle racetrack, filled with fast straights, sweeping bends and technical uphill and downhill sections. 

This event marks the beginning of an exciting season for Modbury High School's Pedal Prix teams. With so many new riders joining the squad and others continuing with Pedal Prix again this year, we’re looking forward to forging bonds, pushing our limits, and creating unforgettable memories together. We can expect to see some exciting racing action as teams vie for the top spot on the podium... and more than likely an exciting crash or two! 

Pedal Prix isn’t just for elite athletes – teams of all skill levels are welcome to participate. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or someone looking to try something new, Pedal Prix offers a fun and challenging experience for everyone. 

If you’re interested in Pedal Prix at Modbury High School, get in touch with Jess at

Dear Parents / Caregivers, staff, and students

Welcome back to 2024 school year. We hope you had a restful and rejuvenating break and are ready to work with us in partnership to support your students into the new academic year with enthusiasm and determination. A very warm welcome to both returning families and new faces to our school community.

I am delighted to report that the start of the year has been exceptionally smooth, thanks to the collaborative efforts of our dedicated staff, and eager students. The seamless transition back into the school routine has laid a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

The week prior to school commencing, all staff participated in a workshop which was facilitated by Andrew Fuller, a leading Psychologists on brain development, young adolescents, and wellbeing. The workshop provided staff with strategies to support student’s wellbeing and the development of metacognition. Through the exploration of knowing yourself he provided insight of how we learn and the implications for student learning.

A highlight of the beginning of the school year was the overwhelming turnout at our information evenings. It was heartening to see a great number of parents attending these sessions, eager to learn more about the curriculum, extracurricular activities, and ways to support their children's learning journey. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to participate, ask questions, and engage with our staff. Your involvement and partnership are invaluable, and together, we can create a nurturing and enriching environment for our students to thrive. Thank you also to all the staff who attended the information evenings without their participation the evenings would not be possible.

Our Year 7 students kicked off the year with a series of engaging incursion activities designed to help them build positive relationships with their classmates and teachers. Through team-building exercises, collaborative projects, and interactive workshops, students had the opportunity to connect with one another and form strong bonds that will support them throughout their time at Modbury. These activities not only fostered a sense of belonging but also encouraged communication, empathy, and mutual respect among our youngest learners.

Meanwhile, our Year 8 students embarked on an unforgettable overnight camp adventure to Lake Bonney. Under the expert guidance of staff from Active 8, Year Level Leader Mrs Tricker, Assistant Principal Ms Rendell and homegroup teachers, students participated in a range of fun and challenging activities. The feedback from both staff and students has been overwhelmingly positive. It is such a pleasure hear each student speak of the wonderful time they had and the friendships they formed during their time at Lake Bonney.

The Year 12 Retreat, which initiated, planned, and organised by a proactive and dedicated group of students and supported of the Year Level Leader Ms O’Brien- Dent and Assistant Principal, Mrs Woolford took place at the start of week 3. This retreat offered the students a unique opportunity for personal growth, reflection, and preparation for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Throughout the retreat, homegroup teachers facilitated workshops designed to equip students with valuable insights on maximizing their time and succeeding as Year 12 students. Additionally, we were honoured to have Ms Olivia Sava’s member of Newland, joined the students to deliver an inspirational talk, urging our students to be exemplary role models an reflect on their own journey as a student and ensure that they make the most of their time at school. Her personal anecdotes and determination to overcome obstacles resonated deeply with our students, inspiring them to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in their community.

On Friday 16 February we held our 2024 Achievement Assembly. The Assembly acknowledged the 2023 Year 12 graduates, who had achieved an ATAR over 90 and received 3 or more grades. Angelina Hansen was crowned DUX of 2023 and gave a motivational talk to the students. Following the assembly, parents and students joined the staff for light refreshments, prepared and served by our Home Economics students.

Wishing you all a fantastic and happy 2024 school year.

Ms Costa

Pedal Prix  

Modbury High School Pedal Prix teams are preparing to compete in five UniSA Australian HPV Super Series races in 2024. In addition to the season’s five races, we also look forward to participating in fun, social Velodrome activities and races throughout the year with Fast Cats Racing.

The Modbury High School Pedal Prix is a co-curricular program for Years 7-12 and is taken as a Stage 1 SACE subject, potentially earning students 20 SACE credits each year of participation.

We welcome all new riders and are currently seeking interested riders to join our Pedal Prix teams. Any interested students should contact Jess Hanlin via Daymap or email,, to register.

Tuesday night trainings are held each week, 7:15pm to 8:30pm, meeting in the Pedal Prix shed. Trainings are recommended for improving fitness, but are not compulsory.

Pedal Prix not only offers the benefits of developing greater fitness, confidence, independence, resilience, consideration and positive relationships with others, but students further develop their team management, delegation, time management, prioritisation and communication skills during races. Our after school and occasional lunchtime training sessions, give students an opportunity to make friends across all year levels and with members of the school community.

By Jess Hanlin
Pedal Prix Liaison

Fees due now

Fees are now due. If you require more time or would like a payment plan please contact the Finance Office.

2023 yearbook now avaliable

Contact our finance office to order one today!

New International Arrivals at Modbury

A New Year means new international students. This term we have 6 short term international students joining us. Five students are from Japan and one is from Germany. The students from Japan are in years 9 and 10 and our German student is joining year 11 for semester 1.

The students have attended an orientation session with Ms Kampes and have since settled into life at Modbury. All students are enjoying their experience so far.

Ms Kampes welcomed the students by hosting a lunch featuring Aussie food such as meat pies and lamingtons. For most of the students it was their first time trying these foods and as no food was left over I think they all enjoyed it!

Ms Kampes
Coordinator of Languages and International Education

Maths..? Help!

Unlock your full potential in maths by attending Maths..? Help! sessions during lunchtime in the STEM building - with Mrs McKie on Mondays and Mr Krznaric on Thursdays. We believe in you and your ability to be successful in maths, so don’t hold back!

Get expert support with maths homework, investigations, or test preparation. All students from Years 7 to 12 are welcome.

Stay for 5, 20 or 40 minutes – YOU choose. (Yes - you can bring your lunch!)

Year 12 Retreat 

This past Monday, February 12th, marked an exciting milestone for Modbury High School as our Year 12 students embarked on the inaugural Year 12 Retreat at Cooinda Retreat in Victor Harbor. Over a few action-packed days, students participated in a variety of activities designed to enhance their wellbeing and personal growth. 

The retreat featured engaging workshops on themes such as wellbeing, being allergic to average and excelling in studies, overcoming adversity, and the importance of role models. We were honoured to have Ms. Olivia Savvas MP lead some of these insightful discussions. Additionally, students took part in diverse team-building exercises both indoors and outdoors, including sandcastle building, beach games, a sunrise beach walk, a scavenger hunt, an amazing race, and a fun-filled games night. 

We extend our gratitude to the dedicated teachers at Modbury High who made this retreat possible. Their efforts in organising and facilitating the activities, coupled with their exemplary role modelling, set a high standard for our students. Special appreciation goes to Mr. Krznaric, Ms. Moeller, Mr. Dundon, Ms. Palmer, Mr. Goult, Mr. Bartlett, Mrs. Woolford, Ms. Brown, and Ms. Costa for their support. 

The retreat also provided a valuable opportunity for students to take a break from their digital devices, demonstrate leadership skills, and forge stronger bonds with both their peers and teachers. We believe these experiences will significantly contribute to the success of our Year 12 cohort this year. 

Finally, we would like to recognise the exceptional leadership and dedication of the student retreat committee. Their unwavering commitment, creativity, and hard work transformed their vision into reality, leaving a lasting legacy for Modbury High. Special mention goes to Caitlin Fraser and Owen Wythe for their tireless efforts and outstanding leadership, both during and outside of school hours. Their dedication, along with the invaluable support of Hana Wong, Kaiwen He, Will Bui, Anton Kastanos, Reatile Hlatshwayo, and Riley Barton, played a crucial role in the successful organisation of the retreat. 


After a five-year COVID enforced hiatus, 29 excited Modbury High School students were once again allowed to return to the West Coast of the US for a basketball and cultural experience of a lifetime.

Students got to experience many different things including visiting Santa Monica Pier and Venice Beach in Los Angeles, 2 days in Disneyland, a tour of the Nike World Headquarters, an NBA game, playing in the snow at Mt Hood (Oregon), a tour of Seattle visiting iconic attractions including the Space Needle, Pike Place Markets (where Seth Clavell got to catch a fish thrown to him!), and a tour of the Seattle Seahawks NFL stadium.

The trip though, is based around American high school basketball experiences. Our teams played in games that often involved announcers, mascots, bands, cheerleaders and large crowds. Games typically started with national anthems and the exchanging of gifts between players and coaches.

The Senior Varsity boys team, for the first time ever, played the strongest team in every school they played and ended up winning six games of their 10. Senior Varsity girls won eight and lost two. The Junior Varsity boys which were the second team, won seven games and lost three and the Junior Varsity 2 boys (third team), made up of Year 9’s and 10’s, won six games and lost two. A very impressive 27 – 11 record overall.

These games were a terrific experience for our students, playing to different rules, against different people in some very impressive school gymnasiums and with an atmosphere like we see on TV and in movies.

The Senior boys provided many highlights, with some very close, exciting and loud games. They had one double overtime win, a single overtime win, a one-point loss, an overtime loss and a three-point loss amongst their 10 games. The girls beat the best Senior team of a school of 1500 students (more than twice the size of Modbury) by 50 points and our girls were mainly year 9’s and 10’s.

Team MVPs:
Varsity Boys – Bryce Sanders
Varsity Girls – Jade Pelton and Lauren Edwards
Junior Varsity Boys – Jaiden Lehman
Junior Varsity 2 Boys – Daniel Wagener

Our students did a wonderful job of representing themselves, Modbury, and in fact, Australia. The American schools loved hosting and playing us, with many providing meals for us all after games to share with their teams and are very keen for us to return.

The next trip is planned for late November/December 2025. In Term 3 this year, students will have the opportunity to register their interest to be involved in the next trip.

Student reflection:
Even reflecting on it now, I can't believe it happened. The things we saw and experienced were possibly once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and will stick with me for the rest of my life. It was so good to connect with the American students and learn about the similarities and differences. Lastly, so many friendships and memories were made.
By Jade Pelton

Ms Jess Moeller
Arts Coordinator

Youth in Emergencies Development Program

At Australian Red Cross we’re very excited to be launching the Youth in Emergencies Development Program.

As you may recall from our communication last year, Australian Red Cross leading this project, funded under the Disaster Risk Reduction Grants Program funded by the Australian Government and the South Australian Government, and in partnership with the Country Fire Service SA, the Commissioner for Children and Young People and The Duke of Edinburgh International Award, embarked on a co-design journey to create the Youth in Emergencies Development Program (YEDP).

We had a great time facilitating co-design workshops with young people across South Australia, and with their valuable input we’ve built a program tailored to the wants and needs of young people.

Designed by young people for young people, this program offers a unique opportunity to learn about the natural hazards we face due to our changing climate, and how to take steps to limit their exposure to them.  More information about the content can be found here.

The program will teach young people how to prepare for emergencies, become leaders across the communities they’re part of, and about the varied ways diverse communities are impacted by emergencies and disasters.  We’ll also make opportunities for them to have a say in decisions that impact them.

While learning all this, the participants will be working towards The Duke of Edinburgh International Bronze Award, worth 10 SACE points.

This is a program designed for young people to:

The YEDP is open to all students enrolled in years 9-12 living in South Australia, and we’re offering generous financial support so that everyone can apply.

Year 12 Orientation day

January 30th marked another memorable Orientation Day for the newest cohort of Year 12 students, filled with a range of activities setting students up for a strong start to the year. 

The day kicked off in the Flexis with a warm welcome and an overview of Year 12 expectations by Ms. O’Brien-Dent and Mrs. Woolford. This session set the tone for the year, emphasising both the challenges and the exciting opportunities ahead. 

One of the highlights of the morning was the 'Mix and Mesh' M&M game, a fun activity that encouraged students to interact and get to know each other better. This was coupled with a classroom decorating session, where students took photos and created posters to make a welcoming and personalised learning environment. 

Morning tea provided a fantastic opportunity for the Year 12 students to engage with class of 2022 and 23 old scholars. Our past students then formed a panel and shared their experiences and insights, offering valuable advice and perspectives on life during and after Year 12. Following this, the Study Skills presentation included vital information on study planning, a crucial aspect of achieving success in Year 12.  

The afternoon saw a Home Group VS Home Group newspaper fashion design competition, not only sparking creativity but also strengthening the bonds between students. We then headed to the gym for the annual tunnel ball competition, fostering team spirit and friendly competition.  

Students left the day with a sense of excitement and the knowledge and skills to make the most of their final year.  

Please click the link below to download a pdf version of our Parent Guide for 2024.

We believe in a culture of achievement in a respectful and rigorous learning environment
