
Issue 4 2023

Dear Parent /Caregivers

It is difficult to believe that we are at the end of Term 1. It has been an extremely busy term with many activities including; Open Day, NAPLaN Testing, Sports Day and the External Review taking place, as well as all the teaching and learning.

External School Review

The External School Review is now complete. The Review Officer, Simon Harding and two Review Principals spend 3 days at our school. They spoke to students, teachers, support staff and parents. The preliminary report highlighted an overall positive learning environment and the teacher’s commitment to support the students to achieve. The report also highlighted areas of improvement, which we will start unpacking and plan how to address each of the issues highlighted. The final report will be ready early in Term 2. Once it is complete and presented to us, we will post it on our school’s website.

Thank you to all the parents who participated in the review.

Olympics Unleashed Launch

On Wednesday 5 April we had the privilege of hosting the launch of the “Olympics Unleashed Program”. The Minister of Education, Blair Boyer together the CEO of the Olympics Committee and two Olympians, Kiana Elliot (weight lifter) and Jess Stenson (marathon runner) introduced the program which will take place across many high schools, to the media. Following the presentation to the media. Jessica and Kiana spoke to some of our Year 7 students about their journey to becoming Olympians. By sharing their own challenges and obstacles they inspired our students to be resilient, achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

We have been lucky enough to be included in the schools who will be involved in the program. Olympians will again visit the school on Friday 12 May to present to those Year 7 students who weren’t involved in the launch, as well as all of our Year 8 students.

Pedal Prix

On Friday 31 March our Pedal Prix students travelled to Mt Gambier to compete. Working hard as a team, their results reflected their dedication and exceptional teamwork. Congratulations to the Pink Panther Girls team for winning first place in their division and to the Lynx Junior High School team for coming second in their division.

Once again thank you to Mr Ferguson for his planning and organization, Fast Cats Racing, Mr Gibbins and Ms Gibbins for their ongoing support of Pedal Prix.

Special Options Camp

On Tuesday 4 April Modbury Special Options class students excitedly made their way to Foul Bay on the Yorke Peninsula and stayed at the Wild Retreat Farm Stay. A fantastic time was had by all, as they enjoying new experiences and made lots of memories.

Student Reports

Term 1 Reports will be published on Daymap on Friday 14 April. I encourage all parents to take a few minutes to discuss the results with your child and if needed discuss strategies for improvement.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher interviews will be held on Thursday 18 May. Students will not attend school on this day. Information re: booking for interviews has been sent home this week. It is critical that parents make appointments to meet with their child’s teachers especially for all Year 12 students and any student who have achieved unsatisfactory results for any of their subjects. Please note that this year the interviews are face to face on-site at school.

Parent Forum

Information was also sent home this week about registering to attend the Parent Forum, which will be held at the school on Wednesday 3 May. The forum is a great opportunity for parents to give feedback and be actively involved in the schools continue improvement. If you would like to RSVP to the Parent Forum click here. 

Wishing all of you a safe and relaxing holiday.

Ms Joanne Costa

School Fees

Reminder that School Fees are now overdue. For information on ways to pay or to organise payment plans please click here.

Last chance to buy MHS 2022 Yearbook. Call our Finance Office to buy one.

Special Options Camp

During Week 10, Rooms 6 and 7 went to Foul Bay on the southern Yorke Peninsula for a camp. We travelled by bus, stopping at Ardrossan for lunch on the way. While at camp we had an Easter egg hunt, went on a night walk, watched movies, listened to music, and played board and card games, as well as having lots of food. On Wednesday we went to Marion Bay to spend time on the beach and at the playground. We then went to Innes National Park, where we explored old Inneston and some of us visited the lighthouse.

We further established friendships across the two classes and we’ll be talking for a long time to come about the ‘spooky’ appearances which caused a few screams in the evening.

Mr Ian Craig
Special Options Teacher

There will be a sports addition to come this weekend about 'all things sport term 1', so please watch out for that.

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Holidays. We will see you when school recommences, Tuesday 2nd May. 

We believe in a culture of achievement in a respectful and rigorous learning environment
